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Lavender Smudge Sticks


Handorf lavender calming smudge stick. Hand-picked straight from our Lavender fields. The lavender smudge stick smoke will cleanse the home and help bring positive energy and calm the mind.

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Holding the end of your stick, light one end with a candle or matches. Gently wave the extinguished flame; the smudge will begin to glow and smoke. When using the smudge stick, take care to keep an ash receptacle beneath the stick.

Gently wave the stick to fill and purify each space with smoke in your home or leave it on a dish and let the smoke drift thought out the room.

You may need to light a few times. Flames may get big at the start, so be careful.

Lavender stalks picked straight from our fields.

Additional information

Weight 0.03 kg
Dimensions 20 × 5 × 5 cm

KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. For external use only. Keep away from anything flammable whilst using due to open flame.